Elements Integration
Post-Retreat Integrative Journeys with Bree Naomee
"From Retreat to Real Life: Learn life enhancing Tools for Transformation"
“Knowing others is intelligence;
knowing yourself is true wisdom.
Mastering others is strength;
mastering yourself is true power.”
― Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

Hello divine being!!
"Have you recently attended a life-enhancing retreat or workshop and experienced profound personal transformation and insightful teachings? Congratulations! You're on the path towards living your best life.”
After almost 10 years of facilitating retreats from Yoga Teacher Trainings, Wellness & Detox Retreats, Plant Medicine Retreats in the Amazon of Peru, and Personal Development Retreats along with an array of workshops & events, there has been one major missing element that I have observed time and time again…… The lack of integration and support of how you can actaully maintain and create sustainable, long lasting change in daily life, relationships, business and health goals and how all of these aspects of ourselves are directly interrelated. If there is one thing I have personally learned from these experiences is that continued support and accountability are the most valuable of them all. There is only so much information one retains when attending an immersive experience as such and the real work and teaching is post-retreat.
We often leave these experiences with a heightened sense of being, beautiful connections, an awe inspiring feeling and sense of direction, a commitment to creating a healthy change or a new perspective on life and then….. we get back into daily life, we get busy, we may drop back into unhealthy habits or belief systems, we tend to forget the majority of what we have learned and that heightened awe inspiring sense of being and feeling begins to fade.
That's where I come in! As a practitioner of the psycho-emotional aspects of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and an integrative wellness coach, I will support you through the process with a tailor made program designed specifically to your unique being. Through our sessions, we'll work together to explore your unique experiences and dive deeper into the emotions and insights that surfaced during your retreat. By cultivating a greater sense of conscious awareness and emotional intelligence, you'll learn how to better navigate your relationships and daily interactions with others, and ultimately experience greater levels of joy, purpose and fulfilment in your life.
I will share with you all of the tools for transformation that have been gifted to me throughout our journey including movement & meditation practices, the exploration of deep inner realms of psycho-emotional relationships, wisdom from ancient natural plant medicine and shamanistic practices from around the globe, the importance of nutrition and mindset, elemental archetypes for conscious relating and the most powerful tool of them all… how you can access our own innate wisdom and intuitive being.
“Ultimately, our integration journey will empower you to live more fully in the present moment, increase your health & vitality and create more meaningful and fulfilling relationships in life”.
The pathway to a super abundant life!
1-1 Personalised Retreat Integration Coaching Program
(5-Week Program)
Private coaching with Bree will accelerate your growth and healing. In this private container, you will receive undivided guidance, attunement and support for your personal journey.
What’s included:
5 x 1:1 weekly coaching sessions (online) 90-minutes each
Private message support via WhatsApp – Monday – Friday
Individually tailored resources and practices to implement in between sessions
PLUS Free 3 months subscription to YOGA ALMA On-Demand video library & educational content (valued at over $180)
Personal investment $999 AUD
1-1 Personalised Retreat Integration Coaching Program
(5 Month Program)
Private coaching with Bree will accelerate your growth and healing. In this private container, you will receive undivided guidance, attunement and support for your personal journey along with Qi Gong & Meditation training.
What’s included:
10 x 1:1 Bi-Weekly coaching sessions (online) 90-minutes each
10 x 45min Bi-Weekly Live Movement/Meditation Training Classes with Bree
Private message support via WhatsApp – Monday – Friday
Individually tailored resources and practices to implement in between sessions
PLUS Free 3 month subscription to YOGA ALMA On-Demand video library & educational content (valued at over $180)
Personal investment $3600 AUD

Bree Naomee
Integration Coach
Health & Wellness Coach
Bioenergetic 5 Element Therapy
Yoga, Pilates & Qi Gong Teacher
Zen Thai Shiatsu & Meridian Yoga Therapist
Retreat Facilitator (Yoga, Health & Wellness)
I would love to share a little piece of my own personal journey with you…
After a challenging upbringing and surviving chronic dis-ease and injury in my early 20’s, I made a decision to take FULL responsibility for my life. I began a life changing journey travelling the world investing in various different Yoga teacher trainings, personal development courses, coaching programs, alternative healing modalities, plant medicines, esoteric practices, learning ancient traditions and much more. I have invested over $100,000 in my own personal development and I value every cent of my investment! I wasn’t born into a wealthy family, I’ve never had a partner that has financially supported me in anyway, I made the commitment to myself and I have and continue to work passionately for it.
Once upon a time….. an opportunity presented itself for me to work with a guiding light, I said YES and many colourful and abundant doors opened. It has come with many trials and tribulations along the way and I am very grateful for all the experience. Almost 15 years later I sit here in awe and pinch myself everyday that I have created a life of passion and purpose and I get to do what I love most everyday and that’s supporting people like YOU become the best version of themselves too!
Along this 15 year journey of self exploration everything started to make even more sense when I was divinely guided to begin a blossoming relationship with the 5 Elements of TCM. There were so many arrhhh ha moments and self realisations. My questions “Who am I?” “What is my life purpose?” began to reveal answers that my being was longing for my entire life. In the past I had said many times “I never want to be a coach….”, I felt and experienced this box that we were all being driven to fit into. It was uncomfortable and the vehicle didn’t work for me. I had created an unhealthy relationship with this idea based on previous experiences and projections of the coaching world as I felt it was very ego driven and wasn’t tailored to people’s individuality.
For this very reason I had to work through my own blocks and beliefs to crack through to the other side, and so it is… I created an integration program for people that have had an experience in a workshop/retreat and would like to implement these teachings into daily life to create sustainable and long lasting change.
The most potent message and discovery of all over the years is that we are so beautiful and unique individual beings and that the many colours and facets of our selves are expressed in very unique ways. We respond, listen, learn, love and communicate very differently and it is my art form to see you, hear you, feel you and meet you exactly where you are, it is only then that we can travel this transformational journey together in-spirit.
This is what sparks my spirit with passion and excitement - to be the guiding light….. to open your inner world, to expand your loving consciousness, to support, motivate and uplift you, to support you in fine tuning your authentic voice and to celebrate every part of who you are!
Whether you are challenged with a health concern or physical/emotional/mental imbalance or you would like to improve your relationship with self, others and the world? Evolve as a teacher and grow your skillset through heart-centred mentorship? Or would like support in growing your business? Perhaps you are yearning for a deeper life experience to live a more richer, abundant & fulfilling life? I would LOVE to support you.
From my heart to yours,
Bree Naomee